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A Bodyweight Workout - In 5 Minutes?

Can You Get An Effective Bodyweight Workout In Only 5 Minutes?

As usual I have been fiddling around with creating a new bodyweight workout.  I wanted to see if I could create a 5 minute bodyweight only workout program that actually felt like a workout.  Only having five minutes to do a bodyweight workout shrinks your options of which bodyweight exercises you can do to increase optimal intensity.  So as I was creating this 5 minute bodyweight workout I could not settle on just one.  I have came up with three bodyweight workouts that you can use individually or all together to create a pretty solid 15 minute bodyweight workout.  I would suggest to do each bodyweight workout together to create a longer more intense workout.  But it all depends on your schedule.  Lets get into each bodyweight workout shall we;

Bodyweight Workout A

1.  Do as many push ups as you can for one minute.  Go to your knees if you burnout, do not stop until the minute is up.

2.  Immediately perform 100 jumping jacks.  Try your best to do full range jumping jacks.  Fully extend your arms and widen your legs each one to get the most out of them.

3. Immediately perform Mountain Climbers for 1 minute.

4.  Immediately perform shoulder width leg squats for one minute.  Make sure as you go down into a squat that you are keeping your chest up and hitting the 90 degree angle on the way down.  A good tip is focus on an object in front of you or slightly elevated from eye level to keep you chest up.

5.  Immediately perform wide hand position to diamond hand position push ups.  You start out by having your hands wider than your shoulders.  Do one push up with that hand position and on the way switch your hands to a diamond position (both thumbs and pointer fingers touching together on the floor creating a diamond shape).  Do as many as you can for 1 minute.  Go to your knees if you have to.

*****This completes the first bodyweight workout*****

Bodyweight Workout B

1.  Perform 30 Jump squats.  Complete a normal squat but as you start to rise, jump in the air as high as you can.  Then repeat to reach the 30 mark.

2.  Immediately perform alternating knee plank crunches.  Position your body into the plank position.  Holding your plank position, alternate each knew to touch your elbow.  Start with you right knee to your right elbow, then bring it back to the starting point and doing the same movement with your left knee to your left elbow.  Do this for 1 minute.

3.  Immediately perform hopping lunges.  Instead of just doing a normal lunge, put a hop in between each leg.  Alternate your lead lunging leg with a hop when you switch legs for 1 minute.

4.  Immediately perform narrow arm push ups.  Place your arms close to your body.  As you go down, try and keep your elbows in and not pointing out.  Do as many as you can for 1 minute.  Go to your knees if you have to.

5.  Immediately perform one leg Burpees.  Instead of doing just normal burpees, only allow one leg on the ground.  Start with you left leg on the ground and keep your right leg elevated off the ground.  Perform this for 30 seconds, then switch to your right leg on the ground and left leg elevated.  Do this for 1 minute.

*****This completes the first bodyweight workout*****

Bodyweight Workout C

1.  Tricep Raises.  Lay on your left side.  Place your left hand behind your right shoulder.  Place your right hand under your left arms so your palm is on the ground.  Raise your body with your right arm.  Do this for 1 minute, switch arms at 25 reps.

2.  Immediately run in place for 2 minutes.  Increase your speed every 20 seconds so by the end of the two minutes your running speed is 80% of your max.

3.  For the last two minutes, perform 10-15 push ups, the immediately perform 20-25 squats.  Keep alternating between push ups and squats for two minutes.  The faster you move, the more you get done.

*****This completes the first bodyweight workout*****

A Bodyweight Workout Can Be Effective In 5 Minutes

Here is the deal.  Is any five minute bodyweight workout going to get you the results you have always wanted?  Probably not. Since you are only doing a bodyweight workout for 5 minutes, the lasting effects will more than likely be minimal.  However, you did move your body, produce a slight sweat, and did more than you would have if you sat on the couch and did nothing.  A 5 minute bodyweight workout is effective because you are choosing to move your body

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