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Post Workout Stretches Everyone Should Do

Post Workout stretching helps in boosting your body's flexibility, prevent injuries, and reduce muscle tension. It even helps in improving your overall performance for the next time you exercise. It also plays an imperative role in optimal muscle recovery. Stretching after a workout allows your body to gradually cool down, by optimizing your heart rate, and helps in effective breakdowning of lactic acid. Which lays the base for muscle healing and repairing. And improving range of motion and flexibility for future. Stretching after a workout does not take so much time, It just requires a few extra minutes before you put off your workout tank top and workout shorts. As it allows you to engage multiple muscle groups at once.

Types of Stretching

There are basically two types of stretching. You might have heard about both of them.

        Dynamic Stretching

        Static Stretching

Dynamic Stretching: It is usually done before exercising as dynamic stretching warms up your muscles and elevates heart rate. It involves active moves. By making your joints & muscles undergo a maximized range of motion.

Static Stretching: This type of stretch involves positions that you have to hold for a particular period of time. Ranging from 20-60 seconds. You don't get to move your muscle group while you are doing static stretching. It is typically done after working out.

Post Workout Stretches

There are well-established benefits of post workout stretching. Here are a few stretches that you should do after exercising.

Hamstring Stretch : Almost all of the workouts incorporate some range of leg movement, so hamstring stretch is the one you should do for relieving your tightened leg muscles, especially when you have done long cardio exercises or kickboxing. Your legs play an important role for causing tension in your lower back. Stretching these muscle groups can also prevent and relieve flares to your sciatic nerve.

Arm and Wrist Stretch: Arms and especially wrists, are usually overlooked after doing workout. Your wrist is among the most complex joints found in the human body. It plays the prime role in lifting weights & upper body exercises & core engaging movements. If you do exercises like push-ups, planks, mountain climbers or circuit training arm and wrist stretches can play a vital role in maintaining & improving your wrist mobility, while providing recovery to your upper & lower arms as well.

Child's Pose: The Child's Pose (Balsana') as referred to in Yoga, is classified among the best Post-workout stretches. While allowing your body to relax it calms the as well. It also increase the flexibility of your body & decompresses your spine, lower back, core and ankles besides relieving your back & neck.

Side Stretch: Side stretching is one of the great movements that can be done after any workout. It helps in lengthening & stretching the intercostal muscles in between your ribs & abdomen. They are extremely beneficial if done after a core workout. They also aid in improving the shortening of muscles that can happen due to poor posture & long sitting. We recommend this stretching if you sit for long working hours or usually spend most of the time sitting.

Seated Spinal Twist : This twist encourages the spine mobility and aids the digestion process, while stretching the glutes. Seated Spinal Twist actually helps in lengthening the spine which is responsible for decompressing the vertebrae. This makes it excellent for feeling fantastic after any intense exercise, cardio, kickboxing or boot camp-style exercises.

Butterfly : It is one of the most amazing stretches one can do for the adductor muscles in the inner thigh, & also works as the best hip opener. It is very helpful in relieving muscle stiffness after long sitting hours, while supporting flexibility & muscle tiredness with groin & lower back.

Hip Flexor Lunge: Hip Flexor lunge comes with a lot of variations. It's an amazing hip opener that includes leg muscles, calves & glutes. While allowing you to stretch your arms.

Side Lunge Stretch: Side lunge can be a good switch from regular lunges. As it allows you to touch the lower body muscles from a certain angle than regular forward & backward movements. It aids legs toning.

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